Monday, February 11, 2008


Okay, I've been depressed lately. I know this. I'm trying to fight it, to not let it bring me totally down. Then this morning while I'm getting ready for work I just burst into tears. J sat there and held me, drove me in to work, and on the way asked for an explanation.

What do I tell him? That I'm frustrated with work? He already knows that. That I'm having a hard time lately following my weight watchers plan? He knows that. That I'm still sore from breaking my toes, and it's keeping me from getting back to the gym, and that's pissing me off? He knows that part too. He also knows one of my coworkers is making me crazy, just by being young and slightly ... oblivious. That's a good word for it. It scares me though when someone just 4 years younger than I am makes me feel old. Totally different values I suppose.

So anyway, I started my day in tears, was up by 3 freakin pounds for my WI, get to work and discover that we're short staffed yet again, and get to deal with the young idiot hanging onto a fax instead of delivering it where it was supposed to go. Great.

I'm so tired. Not physically, though there's a little of that too. I'm just emotionally drained, and I don't know how to fix that.

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