Monday, April 14, 2008

Holy crap!

So... WI day, after having a bad week food-wise, but an awesome week for working out. Drum roll please, I am down a whopping 3.2 pounds! I couldn't believe it this morning, I actually ran back into the bedroom and bounced onto the bed on all fours to crouch in front of my put-upon husband who was trying to sleep so I could tell him. :) He was properly impressed. ;)

Hit the gym today, earned myself 8 AP, and feeling pretty darn good. I've got my meals for tomorrow planned, other than dinner, but it'll probably be something very light, since I won't be home for dinner until after 8pm, because of a personal training session.

So exercise is on track. Food is on track. I just need a job that doesn't make me insane, and pays well, and life will be wonderful!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Feeling better

So it's true, working out can release those wonderful endorphins. I started this week in a horrible mood. Literally in tears. Monday evening was a haze of tension headache. Tuesday I worked out with my personal trainer, had a great session, found out something that I have in common with her. Wasn't a big deal, just a little info, but it just clicked into place, made so much sense, and made me laugh. And just cemented my opinion of her. She's awesome.

I worked out on Wednesday with a friend, mainly sticking to cardio, then Thursday was yoga, and Saturday went with my friend again. I had a major slide with WW this week, but caught myself, dragged myself kicking and screaming back on track, and feeling pretty good. I WILL track everything, and I will take what comes on my WI tomorrow. I've gone over my flex slightly, but I'm okay with that. Because I tracked it anyway.

Also, I got new glasses this week, and they look awesome. Always a boost. ;)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


So, what's the difference between stress, anxiety, and depression? Degrees I suppose. Feeling like crap lately. Like I'm in a total rut. Which is accurate enough considering how I feel about my job. I want out, but can't manage to get an interview anywhere else. I feel trapped, resentful, and getting to be bitter. And yet there are aspects I do enjoy. But the be all and end all is turning into sales, which I despise. It's gotten to the point I'm not sleeping well at night, thinking about work.

I'm also in a rut with the weight loss. Not again, still. I can't count a week of following the plan as being back on track if I can't get it to go any farther. I feel stuck. Looking into the "Eat-Clean" tack, to go along with WW. Maybe if I could get hold of my personal trainer it'd help too, however that's not proving too easy either. :(

Alright, enough of the pity party, off to assemble my lunch for tomorrow.