Monday, April 14, 2008

Holy crap!

So... WI day, after having a bad week food-wise, but an awesome week for working out. Drum roll please, I am down a whopping 3.2 pounds! I couldn't believe it this morning, I actually ran back into the bedroom and bounced onto the bed on all fours to crouch in front of my put-upon husband who was trying to sleep so I could tell him. :) He was properly impressed. ;)

Hit the gym today, earned myself 8 AP, and feeling pretty darn good. I've got my meals for tomorrow planned, other than dinner, but it'll probably be something very light, since I won't be home for dinner until after 8pm, because of a personal training session.

So exercise is on track. Food is on track. I just need a job that doesn't make me insane, and pays well, and life will be wonderful!

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